We're Back!

Women Run. It’s what we do. Sometimes by choice, by chance, or by necessity. We do our best and we keep running. But sometimes we are forced to stop. We hit a wall, lose a loved one, get divorced, or some other life altering event stops us in our tracks. We jump off the treadmill, hibernate, rest, recover, and regroup. Then one day, we wake up and decide to put on our running shoes again.

It’s been awhile since my last Runner’s Rambling and just like many of you, I am in a different phase of life since that last post. Much has happened and a pivotal event for me was when I divorced my husband of 18 years and started over from scratch. Without a penny to my name and seemingly no one to rescue me I had two choices: I could get bitter and accept my new reality or, I could keep running and rescue myself.

As a woman who runs, you know I picked the latter. I juggled several jobs and re-built my business. Brick by brick I built a new foundation for me and my family. Despite people’s predictions, my children did in fact “survive” switching from private to public schools. They actually began to thrive in a “broken home”. Fiercely independent and self-motivated, my oldest graduated from college this year, my middle guy is in the midst of his college days, and my baby will graduate high school soon and start her next journey. My puppy is almost 8 and still underfoot—often the only reason I get off the couch and lace up my running shoes. I still run my business from home which gave me the flexibility to move my aging parents into a house 50 feet away from my home/office. My priorities have shifted from raising little ones—running to activities, practices and playdates to driving to doctors appointments, hair dressers and let’s not forget the casino where my parents feel young, independent and have a great deal of fun before their ride shuttles them back to reality.

As women who run, we keep doing, trying, getting up and taking one step at a time. I can only hope you are all still running, growing and thriving. Sometimes life kicks us in the ass and tests our strength. Some of us have had really really shitty years and life altering events since we were last connected. I hope you still find relief and a glimmer of hope on your walks or runs. It’s still my calm, my happy place and my glimpse of normalcy when life has other plans for all of us.

So, we’re all a little bit older, our situations and challenges have shifted but we’re back and we’re thrilled to connect with all of you once again! Share your stories, find camaraderie with us and know you’re never alone.

Happy Holidays!
